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The image consulting business solution exclusively built to help you craft your brand, get more clients, and achieve success.

We work for you:

STYiLES BIZ offers comprehensive business solutions tailored exclusively for image consultants to enhance their personal brand, expand their client base, and achieve tangible results.

Personal Branding Strategy

You will develop a strong and compelling personal brand that resonates with your target audience.


This includes defining your value and creating consistent branding elements across various platforms such as websites, social media, and marketing materials.


By establishing a distinctive personal brand, you will differentiate yourself in the market and build a solid client list.

Client Acquisition Techniques

You will learn proven techniques and strategies to attract and acquire new clients effectively.


This involves identifying target demographics, understanding client needs and preferences, and implementing targeted marketing campaigns to reach potential clients.


By employing these client acquisition techniques, you will expand your clientele and grow your business.

Performance Optimization Tools

You will have tools to optimize your performance and maximize your impact.


This includes training programs, workshops, and resources focused on enhancing image consulting skills, staying updated on industry trends, and delivering superior service to clients.


By improving your skills and efficiency, you will deliver excellent results to your clients and achieve greater success in your careers.

Weekly live Q&A with the image consulting expert, Jen Auh
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Keep pace with the ever-changing image consulting world as it moves at lightning speed. Stay informed about industry updates, trending tactics, and fresh strategies through weekly live Q&A sessions hosted by STYiLES's founder, Jen Auh.

Revolutionize Your Image Consulting Business

Join a community of 1,000+ for image consulting business lessons, personal image branding tips, and entrepreneurship advice.

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